Like any proper noble lady, one must have certain acquired tastes. For Melphiera Marchalrayd, she just happens to crave a rather exotic protein—monsters! But do not judge! Despite its bad reputation, monster meat can be used in exquisite cuisine and Melphiera is determined to change the kingdom's opinion of it! Unfortunately, since debuting in society, Melphiera has been struggling to find her perfect match…until she meets the fearless "Blood-Mad Duke" of Galbraith!

Pass the Monster Meat, Milady!
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Pass the Monster Meat, Milady!, 悪食令嬢と狂血公爵
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Synopsis Pass the Monster Meat, Milady!
Characters & Voice Actors

du Galbraith, Aristide Rogier
Ban, Taito

Marchalrayd, Melphiera
Nakamura, Kanna
Watch Pass the Monster Meat, Milady!
Release Date